In some states, you could potentially face a charge of aggravated driving under the influence or DUI. The punishments for this charge are often harsher and could have a longer lasting effect on your life. Here is what you need to know about the offense if you have been charged with it:
What Makes a DUI an Aggravated Offense?
An aggravated DUI simply means that there was a factor that led to the circumstances being considered more serious than a regular DUI. In essence, the actions of the driver were enough to result in felony charges being filed.
There are several factors that could lead to the charge, including a blood alcohol level that is extremely high or drunk driving in a school zone. You could also face the charge if you were intoxicated while driving a car with a child in it.
If someone was injured or died because of an accident with your vehicle while you were intoxicated, it will be classified as an aggravated DUI, at the least. Even property damage in an accident could have an impact on if you are charged with the offense.
In some states, if you have been charged with multiple DUI offenses within a short period of time, you could be charged with an aggravated offense.
What Punishments Could You Face?
Most of the punishments you can face for an aggravated DUI are like a regular DUI, but there is an important difference. The punishments could be significantly enhanced. For instance, if jail time is ordered, you could face a lengthier time in jail.
You could also be ordered to complete community service hours, heavy fines, and even lose your license. Depending on the circumstances, you could even face a confiscation of your vehicle.
These factors can affect your everyday life. For instance, the loss of your vehicle to the county could mean you are left without transportation. The loss of your license could mean you cannot secure employment in a position in which your driving record is considered.
Since an aggravated felony is often classified as a felony, you could also face trouble in securing employment, loans, and housing due to your criminal record. If your state does not allow expungements, you could be left with a felony on your record for the rest of your life.
Therefore, it is important that you hire an attorney as soon as possible. He or she can review the circumstances of your case to determine if there is a possibility for the charge to be reduced.
Contact a law firm like the Law Office of Timothy R. Brown for more information and assistance.